Friday, June 14, 2019

Buyer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Buyer Behavior - Essay Examplee a product is relatively expensive and possibly technologically complex, prospective purchasers often go through a complex search and evaluation process prior to making a purchase. Various models of consumer behaviour have been developed over the years. The models job the different buying situations in which consumers find themselves.Factors influencing consumer behaviour must be considered as well as similar factors influencing the buying decisions in bank line to business transactions. An understanding of these factors and how they influence the buying decision are extremely consequential when putting together a selling strategy. Market research also plays an important part in helping to identify relevant facts about buyer behaviour (consumer or organizational) and provides all kinds of information which forms the basis of strategy formulation.A motivating to make a certain purchase is an internal state of the purchase. While consumer behavior is observable, motives are psychological constructs that can only be inferred. Buying motives for consumer products whitethorn be classified as economic, emotional, product, and retail patronage. Some of the motives may be rational while others are emotional. To illustrate, economic motives include product durability or economy in use. Emotional motives might include romance, pleasure, or prestige. Product purchase motives might involve ease for making repairs or ease of installation. plunk for motives relate to variety for selection or promptness in delivery. Motives relate to perception. Motives come from the consumers real self, self-image, ideal self, and looking-glass self. The way consumers envision the situation to themselves helps to shape their reactions or responses to marketers appeals (Sharon, Boyle, 2004 343).Consumer goals and needs are constantly changing in response to environmental conditions, interaction with others, and physical conditions. As individuals realize th eir goals, new objectives may be

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